Orbitvu Public Support Site

ORBITVU VIEWER parameters reference

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Defines if ORBITVU VIEWER should switch automatically to drag mode on zoom. If set to no then ORBITVU VIEWER operates in rotate mode.

Version: 2.3.32+

Values: yes | no

Default: yes


Autorotation direction

Values: left | right

Default: rotate_dir


Background color

Default: 0xffffff (white)


Viewer window border

Values: yes | no

Default: yes


Border color

Default: 0xffffff (white)


Defines the frame that cannot be crossed by if continuous rotation is set to no. If you have continous=no and teaser=autorotate then presentation will bounce from border_frame.

Values: 1 - <number of frames>

Version: 3.6.2+


Text that will be shown in a top right corner inside VIEWER area. This is related to branding_url parameter

Value: any text


URL of the page that user will be redirected to when clicking branding button (related to branding parameter)


Determines whether the autorotate button is visible (yes) or hidden (no)

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 3.7.0+


Determines whether the drag/rotate button is visible (yes) or hidden (no)

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 3.7.0+


Determines whether the fullscreen button is visible (yes) or hidden (no)

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 3.7.0+


Determines whether the info button is visible (yes) or hidden (no)

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 3.7.0+


Determines whether the zoom in button is visible (yes) or hidden (no)

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 3.7.0+


Determines whether the zoom out button is visible (yes) or hidden (no)

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 3.7.0+


Type of buttons shown in the Viewer. There are two types of buttons: desktop buttons and mobile buttons. Mobile ones are designed for use with mobile devices so there is no zoom in/zoom out buttons (as you're supposed to use pinch gesture to zoom) and no drag/rotate switch as you can drag with two fingers and rotate with single finger, etc. Also The layout of mobile buttons is different. The value of auto will automatically select mobile buttons for mobile devices.

Values: auto | desktop | mobile

Default: auto

Version: 3.1.1 +


URL of config.xml file

Default: <ovus_folder>/config.xml


Defines if content.xml or content2.xml configuration file should be used. Unless you have very old presentations you should always set it to yes.

Values: yes | no


If you’re not sure if you should set yes or no then check your presentation directory to see if it contains content2.xml file. If yes, then use yes.


Continuous rotation – useful for half rotations or animations

Values: yes | no

Default: yes


If ORBITVU VIEWER is initialized without specific height and containing element has a height of 0px then by default, ORBITVU VIEWER will use a height of 56.25% (16:9 proportion). You can disable this behaviour by setting disable_nosize to yes.

Values: yes | no



When you double tap then ORBITVU VIEWER can:

fullscreen - switch to fullscreen

zoom - zoom in/zoom out, depending on current zoom level

disabled - do nothing

Values: fullscreen | zoom | disabled

Default: fullscreen



This parameter is DEPRECATED - use viewer_api_init instead!

Name of JavaScript callback (function) that will be called after initialization of ORBITVU VIEWER.

API object will be passed to the callback.

Default: not set

The value of this parameter should be a String, not a function itself.

In Infinity360 and FREE versions of ORBITVU VIEWER it is possible to get programming access to its methods. For more details check out API documentation.

USE viewer_api_init instead of external_access_init for VIEWER version 2.3.33+


First frame to display

Values: 1 - no. of frames

Default: 1


First row to display in 3D presentation

Version: 2.3.31+

Values: 1 - no. of rows



Force ORBITVU VIEWER to work in HTML5 mode

Values: yes | no

Version: up to 3.4.x (removed in versions 3.5.0+)

Default: no


Auto rotation speed [frames/sec]

Default: 12


Lets user disable fullscreen mode (with value set to no). This will also cause that fullscreen button is not shown

Values: yes | no

Default: yes


The background colour of GUI elements like buttons or loader.

Example: 0x00ff00

Value is in a form of 0x<hex> where <hex> is a colour in hexadecimal notation.


Foreground colour of GUI elements like buttons or loader

Example: 0x00ff00

Value is in a form of 0x<hex> where <hex> is a colour in hexadecimal notation.


Foreground colour of active (eg. being clicked) GUI elements like buttons

Example: 0x00ff00


Height of the presentation

Values: integer value or ‘auto’

Default: 300

The integer value is in pixels; auto means 100%

If auto is used and container element, that VIEWER is inserted into, has height of 0, then height will be set in 16 : 9 proportion to VIEWER's width


Enable or disable support for the high-resolution displays, eg. Retina. It should be noted that Presentations in smaller resolutions might appear smaller on such displays due to the higher pixel density.

Version: 3.6.4

Values: yes | no

Default: yes


Force greater zoom on devices with high-resolution displays. eg. Retina. Images are upscaled which may cause quality loss.

Version: 3.6.5

Values: yes | no

Default: no


Viewer in HTML5 mode can display small infographic that illustrates the possibility of rotation in one (360°) or two (3D) axes. Infographic is hidden during any VIEWER interaction. It shows up again with 5 seconds delay.

Version: 2.3.21+

Values: yes | no

Default: no



For HTML5 mode you can force VIEWER to show info window on start. Info window presents simple infographics illustrating possible touch/mouse actions to manipulate VIEWER. It is possible to have this window shown only on touch devices (value of touch) or desktop devices (value of desktop) or both, desktop and touch devices (value of all). See example

Version: 2.3.18+

Values: no | desktop | touch | all

Default: no



URL of images folder for 360 degree presentation

Default: <ovus_folder>/images/


Tooltip language.

Values: cs (czech) | de (german) | da (danish) | en (english) | es (spanish) | fi (finnish) | fr (french) | fy (frisian) | hu (hungarian) | it (italian) | ja (japanese) | lt (lithuanian) | nl (dutch) | no (norwegian) | pl (polish) | pt (portuguese) | ro (romanian) | ru (russian) | se (swedish) | sk (slovak) | sl (slovenian) | sr (serbian) | _ (no tooltips) | auto

Default: en

Notes: da and ja are available starting from version 3.6.1. Older releases used dk for Danish. Auto is available starting from vesion 3.8.0. 


partial_load starts after user interaction.


Version: 3.8.0+

Values: yes | no

If "teaser" option is set to: autorotate, the lazy_partial_load is disabled automatically.


Show or hide loader visible on VIEWER initialization


Version: 2.3.33+

Values: yes | no


Link to the image that will be shown in top left corner of the VIEWER area, eg. Buy button. This is related to logo_url parameter


URL of the page that user will be redirected to when clicking Logo image (specified with logo_src parameter)


Maximum possible zoom scale of presentation.

Values: 0 - 1

Example: 0.28

Default: not set

How to calculate scale:

If your presentation maximum size is: 5448px x 3607px then get larger value (5448) and desired maximum value (eg. 100px). Then divide it to get max_scale: 100/5448=0.0184100

The value of 0 is a special one. It will cause that initial scale (one that fits best presentation container) will be used. The result is that presentation is shown as usual but it is not possible to zoom.


Enable (yes) or disable (no) mouse wheel zoom

Values: yes | no

Default: yes

Version: 2.3.24+

There are API methods that let you switch this parameter dynamically: enable_mousewheel and disable_mousewheel.


Allows to set custom aspect ratio for the Viewer when its container has no dimensions and Viewer params "width" and "height" are set to auto.

Values: n/n

Example: 4/3

Default: 16/9

Version: 3.8.0+


Show ORBITVU identity (within info popup and flash context menu)

Values: yes | no

Default: no


URL of ORBITVU Presentation folder (containing unpacked .OVUS file)

Default: BASE folder - default url for the HTML page that might be specified using <base> tag


When enabled Orbitvu VIEWER will be ready for a user interaction as soon as 4 initial frames are loaded. Then it will load rest of the frames in the background.

Default: no

Version: 3.0.30+

Values: yes | no

If "teaser" option is set to: onerotation, onerotationslow, playonerotation, playonerotationslow the partial_load is disabled automatically.


Force initial image preload width. By default initially loaded images fit viewer container size and while zooming in larger images are loaded. With this option, you can load bigger images immediately which can improve presentation quality eg. while rotating after switching to fullscreen mode (from the small initial container). 

Maximum allowed width of the preloaded image is 1024px so setting this parameter to something bigger than 1024 is same as using 1024.

Default: 0
Example: 700
Max value: 1024


Force initial image preload height. By default initially loaded images fit viewer container size and while zooming in larger images are loaded. With this option, you can load bigger images immediately which can improve presentation quality eg. while rotating after switching to fullscreen mode (from the small initial container).

Maximum allowed height of the preloaded image is 1024px so setting this parameter to something bigger than 1024 is same as using 1024.

Default: 0
Example: 700
Max value: 1024


Debugging mode – report exceptions in VIEWER window

Values: yes | no

Default: no

VIEWER mode: Flash


Rotation direction

Values: right | left

Default: right


If set to yes then vertical panning gesture (with a single finger) will scroll the page, not the Viewer's content

Values: yes | no

Default: no

Version: 3.9.5+


Defines if social (facebook, twitter, e-mail) buttons are shown.

Values: yes | no

Default: no


URL of the page that will be published to social networks

Default: At SUN Server it is a direct link to presentation


User interface (buttons) style.

0 – default round style

1 – square style

2 – round style with rotation scroll

3 – square style with rotation scroll

4 – no buttons at all

Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Default: 1


To encourage end users to interact with 360° presentations you can set the initial behavior of the viewer:

  • zoomin – presentation is loaded and slightly zooms in when mouse over viewer window
  • autorotate – presentation is loaded and starts with auto-rotation
  • play – presentation is not loaded, it shows the play button and after pressing this button it is loaded and then starts to autorotate
  • playonerotation – 2.3.17 – presentation is not loaded, it shows play button and after pressing this button it is loaded and does one rotation
  • playonerotationslow – 2.3.17 – presentation is not loaded, it shows play button and after pressing this button it is loaded and does one slow rotation
  • static – presentation is loaded but nothing more happens
  • onerotation - presentation is loaded and just after loading it does quick single rotation
  • onerotationslow - presentation is loaded and just after loading it does single rotation (slower than onerotation)

Values: autorotate | zoomin | play | playonerotation | playonerotationslow | static | onerotation | onerotationslow

Default: static


The color of an overlay of teaser with value: play | playonerotation | playonerotationslow

Example: 0xFFFFFF8C

Value is in a form of 0x<hex> where <hex> is a colour in hexadecimal notation.

FFFFFF = white color; The last two positions define opacity of an overlay [8C = 55% opacity];

Default: 0x00000099 (black with 60% opacity)

Version: 3.4.0+


Between frame transition filter

Values: alpha | blur | no

Default: no

VIEWER mode: Flash


Width of the presentation

Values: integer value or ‘auto’

Default: 400

The integer value is in pixels; auto means 100%


Adobe Flash wmode option: see more

Default: not set

VIEWER mode: Flash


URL of content2.xml file

Default: <ovus_folder>/content2.xml

For older presentations, it is possible that filename will be content.xml. This is determined by the content2 parameter.


Presentation vertical alignment

Values: top | center | bottom

Default: center

VIEWER mode: Flash


Name of JavaScript callback (function) that will be passed API object before initialization of ORBITVU VIEWER

This callback is called as soon as ORBITVU VIEWER starts loading so that it is possible to listen to loading events (as opposed to external_access_init)

Default: not set

Version: 2.3.33+

Release: Infinity360, FREE

In Infinity360 and FREE versions of ORBITVU VIEWER it is possible to get programming access to its methods. For more details check out API documentation.

The value of this parameter should be a String, not the function itself.


Enable vertical movement during manual rotation

Values: yes | no

Default: yes


Vertical rotation direction for 3D presentations

Values: down | up

Default: down

Version: 2.3.18+

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