Due to intensive work on the development of Orbitvu services, the changes will be periodically published and available after logging in Orbitvu.co.
Below are explained the most important changes.
1. The main menu on the website
The horizontal menu has been changed to a vertical version. The menu can be hidden or expanded by clicking on the arrow icon. With the hidden menu, hovering over a given icon displays a list with available links.

2. Dashboard
The main dashboard after logging into the platform has been changed. The view has been refreshed and the platform is now more functional.
The new dashboard includes:
- Statistical data on the activity of company users logged in Orbitvu Station. If a user of a company logs in and performs a product session, you will see on the SUN dashboard statistics of the number of photos and products taken (you can read more about reports in this article) and the activity of the company's user in the last 7 days.
- Information about the active plan transfer consumption and data storage in Orbitvu.co.
- Information about purchased products.
3. Your profile
You can access and edit your profile data at the top of the menu.

In the form you can:
- change your name and surname
- change e-mail address
- set a different language of e-mail notifications
- edit your time zone
- manage users permissions (only Admin can change user role)
- change the password
- delete your account
- add a photo to your profile (the added photo can be deleted or replaced with another one)
4. Company settings
The form for editing company data has changed. In the Company settings tab you can:
- add/remove e-mail addresses of people

- change the language of the notifications

- manage the attributes added to the presentation displayed in Orbitvu SUN Cloud

5. List of invoices
Users with Admin role have access to the list of the invoices.

In this tab you can check all invoices and download them if needed.
6. Change of billing address
The user with Admin role has access to the Billing address page, where he can save the billing address for the invoice.

7. List of users
Admin and Manager have access to the company user list, edit customer details or invite new people to your company account.
To invite a new user, click the Invite Users button (1). After popping a new window you need to provide an email address and choose a role. You can also enter a message that the user will receive in the invitation e-mail. At the same time, you can add up to 5 accounts that receive an e-mail invitation.
You can also use a ready link to the invitation, after copying it, the person will join as an Editor.