To add new users to your Company account, you have to be logged in as a user with Admin permissions. Then you'll send an invitation to the desired person and as soon as this person registers to ORBITVU SUN, using registration link from the e-mail, the new User account will be added to your Company account.
See below for details.
1. Go to Accounts page

2. Click Invite a user button
Enter the e-mail address of the person to invite, then select permission group and optionally write a short message to the invited person. Read more about permissions here.

As soon as invitation message is sent you'll see e-mail address of the invited person as pending and you'll be able to resend invitation message or remove invitation completely.
Invited person will receive the e-mail message with confirmation link:

When invitation link is opened, invited person will be provided with Registration form or with Join Company account

After successful registration (or joining) the new User account is added to your Company account.
If the invited person is already ORBITVU user then it is still possible to invite him to join your Company account. Such user will be moved from his current Company account to your Company account.
Send invitation to a user who belongs to another company. Such user will receive an e-mail invitation.

The user must be logged in to their Orbitvu SUN Cloud account, next he should click on the received link. The link will switch the user to the form that needs to be completed.