Orbitvu Public Support Site

Purchasing and expiration

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Subscription Plans can be purchased and extended directly on Orbitvu SUN Cloud.


One month before Subscription Plan is expired we start sending e-mail notifications to the client. Subsequent notifications are sent on 15, 7, 3 and 1 day before Subscription Plan expiration.


Client is able to extend his Subscription Plan during the last month of the Plan validity. Plan will be extended for one year (starting from the last day of the currently active plan).

Switching to the higher Subscripton Plan

It is possible to switch to the higher Subscription Plan at any point. The base price of the Plan will be discounted based on the number of unused days left in the current Subscription Plan.  


When Subscription Plan is expired, all the presentations on the account are switched to Expiring state. Expiring presentations are not publicly visible anymore (embed codes do not work) but these are still available for 14 days for the account owner (under the Expiring tab on the Presentations list).

Within the 14 days after the Subscription Plan expiration, client is able to download his presentations or purchase Subscription Plan again. In the latter case, expiring presentations will be brought to the active state again automatically, as soon as the plan is extended.

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