Orbitvu Public Support Site


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Caution! Orbitvu SUN integration is connected to your E-Commerce plan. You need to keep the E-commerce plan valid so the app works properly.

How to install Orbitvu SUN integration

1. Go to the Shopware marketplace and open Orbitvu SUN integration app page.

To install plugin you must have: 

  • an active account on Orbitvu SUN Cloud
  • active Shopware 6 e-shop
  • Orbitvu device

2. Add the Orbitvu SUN integration to the cart and go through the payment steps and pay for the app.

3. Open you shop admin panel and go to the "Extensions -> My Extensions".


4. Install the Orbitvu SUN integration


5. After installation process is finished, the new tab in the Catalogues section will appear


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