One click (automatic) linking
It is possible to link (assign) many Orbitvu presentations to many Woocommerce products within one click. The algorithm compares Orbitvu Presentation's SKU with Woocommerce's product SKU and if they match, the Orbitvu presentation is automatically linked (assigned) to the Woocommerce product.

Note! Orbitvu presentation's SKU can be given in Orbitvu Station during project creation.
In order to execute "Auto linking" script please go to the "Settings ->Orbitvu SH -> Cron jobs".
Before executing "Auto linking" script, let's see which products have assigned Orbitvu presentations.
Let's execute "Auto linking" script.
Note! This script may consume a lot of time depending number of products and number of Orbitvu presentations in your Woocommere shop. That is why please check your "max_execution_time" server setting to avoid errors.
After a while, you should receive success info.

Let's check if any Orbitvu presentations have been linked to Woocommerce products. To do this, go to the "Products -> All Products".
As you can see, above screen shows that Samsung Gear Fit and MAXI 3D KIT presentations have been automatically linked to the Woocommerce products by SKU match.
This feature saves a lot of time because we don't have to manually product by product assign Orbitvu presentations.
Tip! You can add "Auto linking" url to your server CRON jobs to avoid manual executing the script.
Auto synchronizing
Sometimes when you manually modify Orbitvu presentation files on a serever (i.e: SKU change in "content.xml" file), it is necessary to update Orbitvu presentation in a shop (keep Orbitvu presentation up to date with server files).
To do this, we should execute "Auto synchronizing" script and all Orbitvu presentations will be updated.