Sending Orbitvu presentations from Orbitvu Station to the shop
In order to directly upload Orbitvu presentations you have to copy the "Remote upload url" from plugin configuration page to the Orbitvu Station.
Open Prestashop's back office and go to the "Modules -> Installed modules -> Orbitvu Self Hosted -> Configure". Copy the "Remote upload url".
Open your Orbitvu Station and go to the "Menu -> Preferences" and in the "Upload" tab find section mark "Prestashop". Paste the "Remote upload url" and click "Ok". At this point, you are able to send Orbitvu presentations directly to your shop.

Uploading Orbitvu presentations via back office
There is also possibility to upload Orbitvu presentations without Orbitvu Station. You need to have ".ovus" file (compressed Orbitvu presetation file).
Login to your back office and go to the "Catalog -> Products". Next click on the "Edit" button of any product.

Go to the "Modules" tab and in "ORBITVU SELF HOSTED" plugin click "Configure".
Next, you will find a section where you can upload Orbitvu presentations.
Click "Choose files" and attach chosen Orbitvu presentation (".ovus" file).