Orbitvu Public Support Site


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Linking (assigning) Orbitvu presentations to Shopware products

In order to link the Orbitvu presentation to Shopware product please login to your Shopware's back office and go to the "Items -> Overview".

On products list there is a new column "Orbitvu". It defines whether the Shopware product has linked (assigned) Orbitvu presentation or not.

If the "Orbitvu" column is not visible, you have to enable it in columns view manager.


Go to the product edition simply by clicking "Edit" on a chosen product.

Go to the "ORBITVU Self Hosted" tab. This view contains the list of Orbitvu presentations uploaded to your shop.

Simply click "Link" button on the chosen Orbitvu presentation and it will be assigned to the current product.

After succesfull linking the Orbitvu presentation you can see all the items.

They automatically appear also in frontend product page.

Changing Orbitvu presentation items order

If you want to change the order of Orbitvu presentation items, simply  click on "move" icon on a chosen item and use "drag and drop".

Deactivating Orbitvu presentation items

You may also deactivate chosen Orbitvu presentation items, so they are not visible in frontend product page. To do this, click on the "Deactivate icon".

Copying Orbitvu images to the native "Images" tab.

The Orbitvu plugin allows to easily copy Orbitvu 2d image (or one frame from Orbitvu 360 presentation) to the native Shopware images. This feature is helpful because sometimes third party plugins can "see" only native Shopware images (like ebay plugin). Additionaly, if we want to avoid "no image" effect on frontend products list page, it's always good to have at least one image in native images tab.

Below screens show empty native "Images" section and "no image" effect on frontend products list.

To avoid above issue, please click "Copy to original images" or "Copy one frame to original images" on chosen item in ORBITVU Self Hosted tab and when the operation is finished and you refresh the page, the image will immediately appear in native "Images" section.

We also get rid of "no image" effect in frontend products list.

If the copied Orbitvu item was a 2d image, it will be automatically deactivated to avoid duplicates on frontend product page.

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